Welcome to the Avon Surgery Center- the new standard for ambulatory surgical care.
The staff of Avon Surgery Center is dedicated to providing you with a quality and care-free surgical experience. The staff is dedicated and experienced in ophthalmology. The new modern facility is equipped with the most advanced surgical technology. At Avon Surgery Center, you will experience a level of personal care, attention, and safety that you will not find anywhere.

Dedicated to Patient Care
The staff and surgeons at Avon Surgery Center are dedicated to providing the best in patient care. You will receive a personal level of service and our safety is always top priority.
Dedicated to Technology

The Avon Surgery Center has state of the art surgical and diagnostic equipment. Not all surgery centers are the same, and our center has cataract surgery technology that other surgical centers don’t have.
ORA System with VerifEye+ Technology: Getting Ready for real “outcomes”. ORA, or Optiwave Refractive Analysis provides ophthalmologists with real-time measurements of a patient’s eye during their cataract surgery. This information helps the surgeon to be sure that the patient’s prescription is appropriately corrected during the cataract surgery. The technology can be especially useful for patients who have had previous corneal surgery.
The ORA corrects astigmatism by:
- Mapping the curvature of the eye and finding the defect.
- Determining what type of intraocular lens can best fix the defect.
- Demonstrates how the lens affects your vision as the lens is being placed.
Benefits of the ORA System:
- The ORA System helps surgeons achieve better results.
- The ORA System gives your surgeon an added level of confirmation for an optimal outcome.
- The ORA System may improve the accuracy of astigmatism correction. This can reduce the chance that you’ll need prescription eye wear after the procedure.
- The Alcon ORA System Offers Customized Cataract Surgery.
Advanced Aberrometer (Surgery)
- Dynamic reticle
- Real-time, autorefractor
- Utilizes wave front aberrometry to assess the refractive eye power
- Immediate “real time” results
- Immediate Global Optimization
- Custom Surgeon Optimization
Avon Surgery Center offers its patients the NGenuity Digitally Assisted Surgery System. This system better visualization of the eye. It gives the surgeon up to 5x extended depth of field, up to 48% increased magnification, and up to 42% increased depth resolution. Additionally, he NGenuity offers the surgeon a “head up” surgical posture.